What represents Oshawa to you?

Do you find peace in watching the sunrise from the pier at Lakeview Park? Enjoy the historic architecture of Parkwood Estate? Observe beauty in the peony blooms of our Botanical Gardens? Discover inspiration in the innovation of Ontario Tech University?

As the City reopens, festivals return, and our parks spring back to life, we’re looking to our residents to help capture the beauty of Oshawa. Oshawa Power is asking the community to submit photos of your favourite spaces across our City.

Celebrate summer in the City and share your best photos with us for a chance to win one of five (5) $100 local shopping gift cards. All submissions will be displayed in a feature video on Oshawa Power’s social channels.

This contest is now closed

Contest Details

Contest Period: August 1st, 2022 to September 1st, 2022
Eligible Participants: Oshawa residents
File Submission Format: High resolution JPEG
Submission Description: With your submission, please mention the location and describe why this area represents Oshawa to you.
Submission Process: Photos to be submitted via file upload form below.

By submitting your photo(s), you agree that Oshawa Power is granted permission to use and/or share your photo(s) for marketing purposes across channels including, but not limited to; social media, online, and print, and understand that you are not entitled to monetary compensation. For further contest details, please contact communications@opuc.on.ca.

Tackling common myths and misunderstandings about modern electric vehicles (EVs).

EVs are causing a radical shift in personal transportation and, as with any major change, have their fair share of both advocates and detractors. But how can we know the truth about EVs? From silent driving to range limitations and every feature in between, we’re here to take on common myths and separate EV facts from EV fiction.

With more electric vehicles in Oshawa than ever before, ownership numbers on the rise across Canada, and automotive manufacturers producing a larger variety of electric or hybrid models, it’s clear that the future of driving is electric.

For a firsthand experience, book an EV test drive and get the EV facts directly from experts at the Mobile Electric Vehicle Education (MEET) trailer activation at Oshawa Power’s downtown office from July 21st to August 14th. In partnership with the Regional Municipality of Durham and Plug ‘N Drive, this free program is designed to help you find the right EV for your lifestyle in a low-pressure, no-sales environment.

EV FACT: EVs offer a more environmentally friendly ride

One of the most common myths surrounding EVs is that they don’t lower total carbon emissions because power still needs to be generated to drive the vehicle. Driving electric won’t allow you to reach net-zero (yet!), but it will help significantly lower your carbon footprint.

In Ontario, switching to an EV can lower your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 67-95%. Ontario has one of the cleanest energy mixes in the world, with more than 90% of our electricity produced by zero-carbon sources. By switching from a traditional vehicle to electric, you can put money back in your pocket and help lower your carbon footprint.

EV FICTION: EV performance can’t compare

Don’t think EVs can go toe-to-toe with high performance sports cars? Think again!

Traditional internal combustion engines (ICEs) still offer higher top speeds than electric, but when it comes to acceleration, EVs are up to the test. Due to the efficiency of electric motors, EVs can generate 100% of available torque almost instantly. This allows for rapid acceleration with high-end models able to go 0-60mph in just over 2 seconds, some of the fastest times ever recorded!

EV FACT: EVs offer a silent ride

It’s true… for now! EVs produce nearly no engine noise at all and can offer a nearly silent ride. If you are someone who does their best thinking on long drives, a silent EV might be right for you.

However, the lack of engine noise isn’t completely without issue. Groups have began lobbying EV manufacturers to add noise simulators over concerns that silence could put hearing-impaired pedestrians at risk.

EV FICTION: Low range will leave you stranded

Concerned an EV won’t get you to and from work? Or that you’ll stall out before reaching the cottage?

Range anxiety is a common concern for potential EV owners. But in 2022, EVs are available in a wide variety of range capabilities to fit all lifestyles. From compact battery EVs with 200km driving range, to long range models with 600km+ ranges, and even plug-in hybrid EVs with total range capabilities over 1,000km, you can easily find a model to satisfy any range expectations.

EV FACT: EVs are low maintenance

Driving an EV can significantly lower fuel costs, but did you know that EV maintenance costs are also almost non-existent?

Unlike traditional ICEs with thousands of moving parts, modern EV engines have about 20 moving parts. With much greater efficiency, simpler design, and substantially fewer moving parts, EVs can offer massive maintenance savings over traditional vehicles.

EV FICTION: You’ll spend thousands replacing your battery

While battery replacement costs for EVs remain expensive, very few owners will ever need to worry about it.

EV sales generally come with 8-year, 160,000km warranties that include coverage for battery replacement. With the average Canadian replacing their vehicle approximately every 12 years, warranty should cover your EV for about 60% of your vehicles’ life. Compare this to about 25% for traditional ICE warranties (average 3 years, 60,000km).

EV FICTION: Public charging is more expensive than refueling

With gas prices continuing to rise, savings offered by public charging continue to look even better!

In Ontario, it is very possible to find free public charging, but even paid charging only costs between $1.50 and $2.50 per hour of charging. At a Level 2 charging station, this allows an additional 30km of range and a cost per km of between $0.05 and $0.09.

Meanwhile, the average ICE vehicle in Canada offers fuel economy of about 9.3L/100km. With current gas prices, drivers pay a per km cost of approximately $0.19. This is more than double the cost of public charging.

Looking to learn more?

Now that you know some common EV facts and fictions surrounding driving and ownership, would you consider making the switch?

In partnership with the Regional Municipality of Durham and Plug ‘N Drive, Oshawa Power is bringing the Mobile Electric Vehicle Education Trailer (MEET) to our downtown office. We’re offering Durham residents the chance to learn even more EV facts and experience EV driving firsthand. Click here to learn more about the program and reserve your test drive.

Summer is upon us! The sun is shining, the grill is ready to go, and our favourite time of the year is here.

With a hot summer ahead of us, we know that summer electricity bills can take some of the fun out of your summer. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you keep your bills manageable and find ways to save on energy all summer long!

Here are 12 of our top energy savings tips to help you keep your cool all summer long:

Let it All Hang Out

Take advantage of the warm weather by hanging your clothes outside to dry. Skipping the dryer and hanging your clothes out on the line can help you save more than 10 percent on your energy bills. As an added bonus, hang drying your clothing can help maintain the integrity of your fabrics and keep your clothes vibrant thanks to the sun’s natural bleaching properties.

Keep it Air Tight

Gaps in the seals of your windows and doors can drive up your energy bills and make your HVAC system work harder than necessary. Home HVAC systems are the largest consumer in most households, making sealing off air leaks an important step to maximizing your home’s efficiency and saving on your summer cooling bills.

Flip the Fan

Did you know that most ceiling fans have different settings for the summer and winter months? Take advantage of the wind chill effect by switching up your fan to rotate counter-clockwise during the warm season. This will create a downdraft, cooling down your room and helping take the burden off your A/C system.

Counter Clockwise Fan

The Price is Right

Our energy habits can change along with the seasons. With the ability to switch between Time-of-Use and Tiered pricing plans, we recommend using MyOshawaPower’s Rate Plan Comparison tool to see if a seasonal pricing plan swap could save you money on your electricity bills.

No Filthy Filters

Keep your air fresh and your HVAC system running smoothly by changing your filter more often in the warmer months. We recommend replacing your filter at least every two months in the spring and summer to maximize efficiency, improve air quality, and help combat seasonal allergies.

Pull the Plug

The cost of phantom (or standby) power can be spooky! With some electronics, phantom power can account for up to 75 percent of their total consumption. Remember to unplug electronics when
you’re finished using them to reduce your home energy use by up to 10 percent.

Unplugging Cord

A Bright Idea

Making the switch to LEDs pays off. While there is an upfront investment, LED lighting can help you save more than 80% on your lighting costs compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. With a per bulb savings of up to $6 per year, this upgrade will pay itself off in under 2 years! Additionally, modern LED bulbs have a rated life of up to 30 years, making bulb replacements a thing of the past!

Throwing Shade

We love basking in the warm summer glow, but letting the sunshine in can warm up your home and cause your HVAC system to work harder. Pulling the shades at night or when you leave home can help keep the inside temperature cool, allowing your A/C unit to take a well earned breather.

Keeping Your Cool

Stepping into the cold A/C on a hot summer day can be relieving, but did you know that over cooling your home can significantly increase your electricity bill? We recommend keeping your home at least a couple degrees above room temperature (21C) all summer to help you save. Remember, each degree above room temperature could save you upwards of 5 percent on your home cooling costs.


Put the Wash on Ice

Setting your washing machine to the cold wash cycle can lead to significant energy savings. On average, switching to cold water can save you up to 60 cents per cycle and upwards of $100 a year! As an added bonus, cold water washing can help keep your clothes in great shape and fight against shrinkage.

Check the Vents

Have you fired up the A/C and found your home has a room that just won’t cool down? Check the vents! Ensure all your vents are open and free from obstruction to get maximum cooling and efficiency out of your home’s A/C unit.

Fire Up the Grill

Everybody loves a summer BBQ, but did you know it can help you save on electricity bills? By getting outside and firing up the grill, you not only save the energy your oven or stovetop would consume, but can also keep your house cooler and give your A/C unit a break.

Charcoal Grill

Dear Valued Customers:

We are actively monitoring the current situation with the COVID-19 virus and the effects on our community. We would like to keep you informed to what is happening within Oshawa Power relative to the COVID-19 Virus. We are practicing social distancing and while we are business as usual, we are taking precautions to ensure the safe well being of our employees and community.

Oshawa Power remains open for business to serve our customers. In response to the increasing worldwide number of COVID-19 cases, we take the health and safety of our customers, employees, their families and the community very seriously. This includes working to ensure we continue to provide you with the level of service you need and expect of us. We want you to know that your safety and the safety of our employees will remain our top priority as this situation continues to evolve.

We are staying informed.

We continue to monitor information resources closely and are following the latest guidance from local, provincial and federal health authorities, including the CDC, Health Canada and World Health Organization and the Region of Durham, to ensure that our practices are aligned with the latest recommendations for mitigating risk in the spread of the virus.

Connect with us your way.

In an effort to support social distancing there is a variety of flexible ways to connect with us to ensure your needs are met.

For account inquiries, you can:

Contractors can utilize Contractor’s Corner at https://www.oshawapower.ca/contractors-corner/

We are ready to serve you.

We understand your concerns during this time, so we are taking additional steps to keep our spaces safe for you and our employees. We have increased deep cleaning of our office, every business day, including sanitizing all surfaces, door handles, phones, chair handles, desks, reception areas, and washrooms. We have reduced scheduled visitors and converted scheduled meetings to remote meetings wherever possible. For any staff that have recently travelled outside of the country we have implemented a 14-day self-isolation quarantine before they can return to work. Our staff are here from 8:30am-4:30pm Monday to Friday and ready to serve. If you do come into our office, please take comfort in knowing that we are trying to be as preventative as possible.

In protection of our employees and community, if you are feeling unwell we ask that you do not come into our office.

How to pay your bill.

Oshawa Power accepts payment made:

  • Pre-authorized payment
  • Telephone or internet electronic payment services offered through your financial institution
  • Chartered banks, trust companies and most credit unions
  • By cheque by mail (allow 5 days for delivery)
  • By Visa, MasterCard and American Express only. A convenience fee will be charged for paying bills using this service – go to credit card payment
  • There 2 dropboxes that you can leave your payment:
    • One external dropbox, north of our main doors
    • One internal dropbox located in our lobby

***We no longer accept cash at our main office.***

You can speak to us live.

We are committed to being here for you: our Customer Service team can assist with any inquiries you may have. If you require any special assistance, we encourage you to reach out to us to discuss options.

We will keep you informed.

We are committed to keeping our lines of communication open to inform you of the latest developments. If you need us, we are here to help. For updates, we encourage you to visit us online, follow us on Facebook, or Twitter @oshawapower.

While we understand that there have been several positive cases of COVID-19 in Durham Region, the risk for our community remains low. Stay up-to-date on COVID-19 and learn the facts about this virus via durham.ca/NovelCoronavirus

We recognize that ongoing news related to COV-ID 19 is rapidly changing; we want you to know that providing reliable service, public safety and wellbeing are our first priority. Oshawa Power is here to assist you, support your needs and we will keep the lights on.



Ivano Labricciosa

President and CEO

Oshawa Power


Update – October 10, 2018:

We are receiving reports from multiple customers that they are in receipt of a text message stating they have a refund waiting for them for their hydro account coming from a phone number 1-613-572-5623.

These text messages are not from Oshawa Power and we do not use text message as a form of communication at this time. If you have any questions please call us at 905-723-4623. If you have been a victim of this scam please call the Fraud Unit at Durham Regional Police at (905) 579-1520, ext. 5232.

Originally Posted July 18, 2018

Oshawa Area Email Scam

Oshawa Power has received reports in our Customer Service department that some local customers have received fraudulent email messages with the subject “Email Interact Refund Hydro Bill Payment Notice”. These email messages claim there is a refund for you and instruct you to click on a link to provide personal information.  Oshawa Power does not send out refunds using text message or email communication.  Oshawa Power also does not solicit for private information over these channels.  If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact us at 905-723-4623 or emailing us here .


This is a type of identity theft where criminals use email to try to bait you into fake or hoax websites. Once there, you are asked to disclose confidential financial and personal information, like passwords, credit card numbers, access codes or Social Insurance Numbers.

Emails tend to look authentic, featuring corporate logos and layouts similar to the ones used by institutions for legitimate communication. Because these emails can look so official, unsuspecting recipients may reply to them, resulting in financial losses, identity theft and other fraudulent activity.


Scam artists have also found a way to send fraudulent messages to mobile phones. Smishing is similar to phishing, except that it is received via text message or SMS (Short Message Service).

Keep in mind all the points mentioned above when speaking about phishing. The intention behind text message phishing is the same as regular email phishing and the content and tone of the message is very similar.


The term comes from “voice” and “phishing”. Vishing uses telephone communications in combination with email or the Internet to steal information and money from unsuspecting consumers. There are a few different methods con artists use. Typically you are contacted by either a recorded phone message or by email and directed to call a phone number or go to a website to enter personal information.

Always remember that Oshawa Power will never send you unsolicited emails or SMS messages asking for confidential information, such as your passwords, credit card and account numbers or personal identification numbers.

As we enter into this well-deserved long weekend make sure you’re ready to handle the heat.

Ontario is beginning a week long heat wave that will surely impact electricity demand on the grid.  During times of extreme heat overall usage climbs due to air conditioners, dehumidifiers and pools.  Conversely, our refrigerators and freezers work harder to maintain cooler temperatures.

What you may end of with next month is a higher bill due to the warmer weather.  Oshawa Power is sharing these tips to help keep your bills lower:

  • Instead of using a clothes dryer – hang your clothes outside
  • Close your blinds or curtains to block the sun’s heat from coming inside
  • Instead of using your air conditioner, open your windows and turn on your bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans to circulate the air
  • Use a programmable thermostat for times that you are away
  • Turn on the ceiling fans and portable fans
  • Use a timer on your pool pump and run in the off peak times
  • Don’t stand in front of an open fridge looking for a snack, try to keep the cool air in

Venturing outside this weekend to celebrate Canada Day?  Remember these heat safety tips:

  • Stay hydrated! Keep cool drinks with you while outside or in the car if you are travelling somewhere
  • Cool down in the shade or cooling centres. If you’re at a pool, take a dip to cool off.
  • Be aware of the weather forecast, heat alerts and air quality reports
  • Check on vulnerable family members or neighbours to make sure they are ok
  • NEVER – leave your children or pets in a parked car

If you like to learn more about conservation or more safety tips please visit www.oshawapower.ca/conservation



For Immediate Release

Oshawa, ON – Oshawa Power is launching a new and innovative pilot that will help local residents to take charge of their electricity costs while also helping Ontario’s power system run more efficiently. The Peak Performance program is a unique opportunity; open only for a limited time to residents of Oshawa.

Peak Performance is designed to help customers shift their energy use so they can reduce their electricity costs. The program features new pricing structures that offer cost-savings during off-peak times. To help customers shift to the cheaper off-peak times, Peak Performance also includes energy management tools such as an advanced web portal, feedback and alerts, specially-trained customer service representatives and an interactive state-of-the-art smartphone app called Peak. This suite of tools is customized for each participant. The goal is to support customers through offering best-in-class information, delivered how and when they need it.

Peak Performance is one in a series of pilots in the province approved by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB). Oshawa Power has partnered with Publicis.Sapient to design and manage the locally delivered program.

“When we launched Ontario’s Fair Hydro Plan, our government delivered significant and immediate relief on electricity bills for all residential electricity customers and as many as half a million small businesses and farms across the province. With affordability as a top priority, I’m pleased the Ontario Energy Board and Oshawa Power are taking the next step in offering more flexibility and choice to families, while helping to reduce electricity bills even further,” stated Glenn Thibeault, Ontario’s Minister of Energy.

“By engaging in this pilot we can facilitate and inform the conversation around electricity pricing and contribute to the OEB’s work to develop pricing that can give customers in Oshawa greater control over their electricity costs while also helping to improve system efficiency,” commented Ivano Labricciosa, President and CEO at Oshawa Power. “This pilot will empower our customers with information to guide how they use their electricity to best suit their needs. We are proud to bring this kind of innovation to Oshawa.”

“Having informed conversations about approaches for reducing consumption is increasingly important. Doing so requires data-driven insights, the right tone of voice and advanced channels for supporting customers.  We are excited about partnering with Oshawa Power on this effort and helping to advance the OEB’s work to revamp pricing options for residential customers,” added Ravi Parakkat, director and North America Utilities lead at Publicis.Sapient.

Peak Performance Pricing will run for a 12-month pilot period and is only open to 1,500 Oshawa residents. Oshawa Power is recruiting participants NOW.  Please contact cdm@opuc.on.ca or (905) 723-4626 ext 5346 for details or to register.


About Oshawa Power:

Oshawa Power provides safe, reliable and efficient electricity distribution services to over 58,000 customers in the City of Oshawa.  Oshawa Power is part of the Oshawa Power and Utilities Corporation family of companies.

Oshawa Power and Utilities Corporation is the holding company for a diversified group of four subsidiaries involved in energy distribution, telecom ventures, clean power generation and solar energy generation.  Oshawa Power and Utilities Corporation is wholly owned by the Corporation of The City of Oshawa.  For more information, visit www.oshawapower.ca .

About the Ontario Energy Board:

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) has selected a number of Ontario utilities, including Oshawa Power, to explore alternative pricing options for residential customers to give them greater choice and more tools to better understand and manage their electricity use.

The OEB is the independent regulator of Ontario’s electricity and natural gas sectors. It protects consumers and makes decisions that serve the public interest. Its goal is to promote a sustainable and efficient energy sector that provides consumers with reliable energy services at a reasonable cost.

About Publicis.Sapient:

Publicis.Sapient, the digital business transformation hub of Publicis Groupe, helps clients drive growth and efficiency and evolve the ways they work, in a world where consumer behavior and technology are catalyzing social and commercial change at an unprecedented pace. With 19,000 people and over 100 offices around the globe, our expertise spanning technology, data sciences, consulting and creative combined with our culture of innovation enables us to deliver on complex transformation initiatives that accelerate our clients’ businesses through creating the products and services their customers expect. For more information, visit www.publicis.sapient.com.

Peak Performance Pricing Media Release PDF

Customer Notice

May 7, 2018

Are you still overdue on your Hydro Bill?

OSHAWA – Oshawa Power began delivering disconnect warnings, as required under its regulatory obligations, to customers who have not met their payment requirements.  As per scheduling of the collection process, electricity disconnects will begin on May 16, 2018.

As a result of the Ontario Energy Board’s winter disconnection moratorium, the volume of accounts eligible to be disconnected is much higher than in prior years.  As a result, we expect that the call volume into our Customer Service Centre to be much higher than normal.  Although we have cost-effectively ramped up staff in anticipation of the additional call volumes, customers may have difficulty getting through once the disconnections begin.

In order to address the volume of accounts in arrears effectively and efficiently we are encouraging customers to please contact us before receiving a final notice so we can make arrangements with them and avoid disconnection.

Please note, that as a customer service gesture we are waiving the prescribed delivery fee of $30 for the disconnect warnings for this month only while we process the backlog of customers in arrears.  However if your service is disconnected you will be required to pay a reconnection fee prior to your service being reconnected.  As per Ontario Energy Board approved rates, a reconnection at the meter completed during regular business hours is $65.00 plus HST.  A reconnection at the meter completed after regular business hours is $185.00 plus HST.

Please be aware that with the expected high volume of disconnected customers we cannot guarantee same day reconnect.  We will do everything we can to have customers restored the same day that payment and fire safety consent is received, however it may take longer.  In the event that someone over the age of 18 is not on site at the time of reconnection, fire safety consent (verbal or written) is required from the account holder.

For customer convenience we have added a new button on our website homepage www.oshawapower.ca for customers to provide proof of payment and fire safety consent.  This will help the customer get their electricity restored without having to call into the Customer Service Centre.

If you need to speak with one of our representatives please call Customer Service at 905-723-4623 Monday to Friday 8:30am- 4:30pm to discuss your options.