The application period for the Solar Storage Pilot Program has come to an end, and we are no longer accepting new applications at this time.

While OPUCES ultimately reserves the right to determine who will be accepted into the program, we will be reviewing the qualified applicants on a first come first reviewed basis. An OPUCES representative will visit the home to further verify the eligibility. A final list will be prepared and home owners will be notified.

Oshawa PUC Energy Services Inc. has partnered with the New Energy and Industrial Development Organization to bring a Solar Energy Storage and Management System (SEMS) pilot program to Oshawa. This pilot program will include the harvest, usage, and storage of solar energy in 30 residential homes. Each home will be fitted with solar panels, a battery, and an inverter. The SEMS will be able to provide enough energy for the usage of the average household. Excess energy will be stored in the battery or fed back into the Oshawa PUC distribution grid per the Government of Ontario’s net-metering program.

This pilot program will run at no cost to the homeowner. This pilot program will run at no cost to the homeowner. To participate, home owners may find more information including recruitment and application details at or visit the OPUCES office at 100 Simcoe St. S, Oshawa.


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OPUC and its employees continue a proud tradition of supporting worthy causes in the community

Throughout 2015, the corporation is putting a special focus on providing support for organizations that assist people in need. The company matched employee donations to various charity efforts including the Port Perry Hospital Foundation and relief efforts following the crisis in Nepal. The company also provided donations to the 13th Annual Oshawa Mayor’s Golf Classic in support of the Oshawa Community Health Centre as well as the Lakeridge Health Foundation Golf Classic in support of the Lakeridge Health Foundation.

For the third year, OPUC’s team of enthusiastic employees raised $2400 by climbing aboard The Big Bike on June 24, 2015 to cycle through downtown Oshawa in The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada’s Ride for Heart.

** Warning – Please read carefully **

OPUCN would like to caution our customers to be aware of a scam which may involve someone calling you or visiting you to claim that your electricity bill is overdue and that your payments were misapplied to the wrong account and/or that your service will be disconnected if you don’t immediately pay through a pre-paid credit card or wire transfer. In some situations they are asking customers to repay their account and will issue a refund from the account where the payment was misapplied.

OPUCN notifies customers of outstanding balances ONLY through an automated phone call or hand delivered notice and customers are given time to make overdue payments.

If you receive a call of this nature, please contact the Durham Regional Fraud Unit at 905-579-1520.

Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. is submitting its 3rd Generation IRM Rate Application. The electronic submission includes an Abobe submission of the Manager’s Summary and all Excel Workbooks as well as separate submissions of each Excel Workbook. In addition, two printed copies are being delivered to your attention.

Click here to see the PDF

Application by Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. for a Licence Amendment to reflect an Interim Exemption from Section 6.5.4 of the Distribution System Code

The Application

Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. (“Oshawa”) filed an application dated June 16, 2008 with the Ontario Energy Board under section 74 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, for an order of the Board granting Oshawa a licence amendment to reflect an interim exemption from section 6.5.4 of the Board’s Distribution System Code (the “DSC”). The Board assigned file number EB-2008-0149 to the application.

Click here to the see PDF

Power Savings Blitz is an energy conservation program offered by Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. (OPUCN), in partnership with the Ontario Power Authority. This program provides small businesses with up to $1,000 in free1energy-efficient lighting and equipment upgrades – all with the aim of helping businesses like yours save money on your utility bill.
When you conserve energy, you’re doing more than just helping your business’ bottom line – you are also contributing to a cleaner environment for your customers and the community.
The program is being offered to small businesses that have an annual electricity demand of approximately 50kW or less, in the non-food and office sub-sectors.

What Power Savings Blitz Offers:

• Funding up to $1,000 for retrofits (average total value of upgrades is $840).
• Helps reduce electricity consumption and provides electricity savings of up to$400 per year.
• Free assessment.
• Turn-key lighting retrofits and water heating enhancements for small businesses; covers materials and labour.
• Upgrades include:
Fluorescent lighting systems (T8 and CFLs)
LED “EXIT” signs
Water heater jacket
Pipe insulation
Faucet aerator

1 Subject to the terms and conditions of the program. No obligation to carry out a retrofit valued greater than $1,000. Business must meet program eligibility requirements.

Eligibility requirements:

• Program is entirely voluntary; business must be located in OPUCN’s service territory.
• Small businesses in the office or retail sub-sectors including beauty salons, professional offices and other small retailers (but excludes food-related businesses who have unique requirements that may be addressed by future programs).
• Annual electricity demand of approximately 50kW or less and individually metered.
Most small businesses meet these two criteria. If you’re unsure, please contact Customer Service at 1-888-568-3081

How Power Savings Blitz works…
Step 1: We assess your business

An advisor will conduct an assessment of your business and provide a list of recommended energy upgrades to help your business become more energy efficient.

Step 2: We identify your options

After the assessment is completed, you can then decide if you want to have a retrofit completed. Funding of up to $1,000 is provided for the retrofit (including cost of material and labour), with an opportunity for the customer to pay costs over the $1,000 limited. The minimum amount for a free retrofit is $300,

Step 3: We install and upgrade

A licensed electricity contractor will install your free upgrades with your approval at your convenience.

Click here to see the PDF

What is farm Stray Voltage?

“Farm stray voltage” refers to voltage or current occurring at a location on the farm where livestock make contact with it and which may have a negative effect on livestock. This stray voltage is also known as ‘tingle voltage’. , Animals coming into contact with grounded devices may show a behavioural response if Stray voltage reaches sufficient levels.Reported livestock symptoms for stray voltage include:
· Lowered Milk Production
· Reduced Water of Feed Intake
· Problematic Behaviour

What causes farm Stray Voltage?

Stray voltage can originate from a number of sources both on and off the farm. The electricity distribution system is
the primary off-farm source, but frequently voltage potentials at a given animal contact location are the combined result of two or more contributing factors.

Off-farm sources:

In a properly functioning electrical distribution system,some voltage will always exist between the neutral system
(ground conductors) and the earth. The level of this neutral-to-earth voltage (NEV) can change on a daily or
seasonal basis, depending on changes in electrical loading,environmental conditions and other factors. For safety
reasons, OPUCN’s neutral system is connected to a farm’s grounding system. While this bond protects people and
animals from shocks caused by faulty electrical equipment and lightning strikes, it also results in a stray voltage
equal to a fraction of the NEV appearing on grounded farm equipment, such as feeders, waterers, metal stabling, metal grates and milk pipelines.

On-the farm sources:

Regarding the framer’s own assets, or those of a neighbouring farmer, the main source of stray voltage is
voltage potential rise on the farm electricity distribution neutral conductor(s) and grounding system. This can be the result of a variety of causes, including:
· Unbalanced electrical loads;
· Improperly grounded farm equipment e.g. water or manure pumps);
· Improperly installed electric fences, cow trainers and electrical panels; and
· Electrical equipment faults
In addition, assets owned by third parties – telephone lines; cable TV lines; and metal pipelines – on or near the
farm can be sources contributing to stray voltage appearing on a farm.

What should you do if you suspect Stray voltage problems on your farm?

A solution to a given case where stray voltage is affecting farm operations may involve both the distribution utility
and the farmer. If you think you have a stray voltage problem; call Oshawa PUC Networks Inc.(OPUCN) Ph. No. 905 723 4626, to provide your contact information and farm location. Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Where a livestock farm customer provides information that reasonably indicates that farm stray voltage may be adversely affecting the operation of the livestock farm customer’s farm OPUCN will perform an investigation in accordance with Section 4.7 of the Distribution System Code..

OPUCN’s Farm Stray Voltage Customer Response Procedure:

OPUCN will call you within five business days to set-up an appointment for a visit from OPUCN representative(s) who will perform appropriate tests to help determine if stray voltage is present on your farm.

Phase 1: OPUCN representative (s) will meet the farm owner at the stray voltage problem location to perform pre-test inspections, conduct a site layout and carry out an animal contact test. The Animal Contact Test will identify the
locations, if any, at which farm stray voltage may be present. Information collected in this test shall be used
to determine the locations used for the Farm Stray Voltage Test.

A Farm Stray Voltage test device will be installed within five to ten business days from the first visit. The purpose
of this test is to determine the highest level of farm stray voltage at the location(s) identified in the Animal Contact Test.

Results of the above tests will be recorded and discussed with the customer within five business days after the
completion of the Farm Stray Voltage Test. As per Section 4.7 of the Distribution System Code, if the appropriate
thresholds are not met, the investigation shall be concluded; otherwise Phase 2 and Phase 3 Procedures will be

Phase 2 and Phase 3: Phase 2 and Phase 3 Procedures will be conducted as per Section 4.7 of the Distribution System Code.

Final Site Visit: If any corrective measures were undertaken by OPUCN, a OPUCN representative will come to
the location to conduct final testing to determine whether any additional corrective measures are required.

Additional Information:

For additional information on stray voltage problems in livestock, please visit Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs website.

Click here to see the PDF


Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. has applied to raise its electricity
distribution rates.

Learn more. Have your say.

Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. has applied to the Ontario Energy Board with a plan to set the amount it
charges for electricity distribution in each year beginning January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2019.
If approved, the amount Oshawa PUC Networks charges each month for the typical residential customer
using 800 kWh per month would increase by the following amounts:

2015-$1.30, 2016-$1.38, 2017-$1.54, 2018-$1.76, 2019 -$1.71

Other customers, including businesses, may be affected as well.


The OEB will hold a public hearing to consider Oshawa PUC’s request.We will question the company on
its case for a rate increase.We will also hear arguments from individuals and from groups that represent
Oshawa PUC’s customers. At the end of this hearing, the OEB will decide whether the electricity distribution
rates Oshawa PUC has applied for are reasonable.

If Oshawa PUC’s application is approved, the OEB’s review in the years 2016 through 2019 will be limited to
ensuring certain annual adjustments are made in accordance with the approved rate plan.

The OEB is an independent and impartial public agency.We make decisions that serve the public interest.
Our goal is to promote a financially viable and efficient energy sector that provides you with reliable energy
services at a reasonable cost.


You have the right to information regarding this application and to be involved in the process.You can:
• review Oshawa PUC’s application on the OEB’s website now.
• file a letter with your comments, which will be considered during the hearing.
• become an active participant (called an intervenor). Apply by March 9, 2015 or the hearing will go
ahead without you and you will not receive any further notice of the proceeding.
• at the end of the process, review the OEB’s decision and its reasons on our website.


These proposed charges relate to Oshawa PUC’s distribution services. They make up part of the Delivery
line — one of the five line items on your bill. Our file number for this case is EB-2014-0101. To learn more
about this hearing, find instructions on how to file letters or become an intervenor, or to access any
document related to this case please select the file number EB-2014-0101 from the list on the OEB website: can also phone our Consumer Relations Centre at 1-877-632-2727
with any questions.


There are two types of OEB hearings – oral and written. The OEB will determine at a later date whether to
proceed by way of a written or oral hearing. If you think an oral hearing is needed, you can write to the OEB
to explain why by March 9, 2015.


If you write a letter of comment or sign up to observe the hearing, your name and the content of your letter or the
documents you file with the OEB will be put on the public record and the OEB website. However, your personal
telephone number,home address and email address will be removed.If you are a business,all your information will
remain public. If you apply to become an intervenor, all information will be public.
This rate hearing will be held under section 78 of the Ontario Energy Board Act,1998,S.O.1998 c.15 (Schedule B).

Click here to see the PDF

About the Program:

1. What is the Solar Energy Storage and Management System (SEMS) Pilot Program?

SEMS pilot program is the partnership between the City of Oshawa, New Energy and Industrial Development Organization (NEDO) and Oshawa PUC Energy Services (OPUCES) that will bring a SEMS pilot project for approximately 30 homes in Oshawa.

2.  How does the SEMS look like?

The system will include a solar PV array (6-7 kW) connected behind the meter, lithium ion batteries (10 kWh) and a hybrid inverter (5.5 kW) that will control the flow of power between the PV array and the battery bank. The solar panels will be installed on the roof and battery and hybrid inverter will be installed inside the home (basement, garage etc.).


3.  Are ground-mount solar panels eligible under the pilot program?

Ground-mount solar panels are not eligible under the pilot program.

4.  What is the pre-qualifying requirements for a home to participate in the pilot project?

To qualify to participate in the SESM pilot, the participant must be the home owner of the residence. Please see the document “Participant Recruitment – Pre-qualifying Requirements” for home eligibility criteria.

5.  Does the property qualify if it is register to a business or an organization?

The pilot is open to only residential properties in the City of Oshawa.

6.  How to submit recruitment application for the pilot project?

Before submitting the application for recruitment; interested home owners are requested to go through the documents – “Participant Recruitment – Pre-qualifying Requirements” for home eligibility criteria.Interested home owners can submit the application to OPUCES via email ( or by visiting OPUCES office (100 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, ON L1H 7M7); starting 9:00 AM, 24th July, 2015. No application will accepted prior to the specified date and time. Applications submitted before the specified date and time will be considered ineligible.

A list of eligible home owners will be prepared on first come – first reviewed basis. OPUCES representative will visit the home to further verify the eligibility. A final list will be prepared on the basis of fully qualified applications and home owners will be notified. OPUCES reserves the right to make any changes to the Participant Recruitment Criteria.

7.  Do I have to pay anything?

The selected home owner will sign an ‘Energy Services Agreement’ (ESA)with OPUCES for the period of 4-5 years. As a part of this pilot project, installation and commissioning of the SEMS and maintenance during the term of the ESA will be done at no cost to the selected 30 home owners.

In return, the home owner will share residential electricity consumption data with OPUCES and other project partners and provide access to the SEMS to OPUCES designated visitors with prior notice.

During the term of the ESA, the SEMS will be owned by the pilot project partners (NEDO, OPUCES). After the ESA term, the ownership of the SEMS will be transferred to the home owner and the home owner will take all the responsibility of the SEMS.

8.  Will my electricity bill be reduced by installing SEMS?

Yes. For the solar energy generated; either being used inside home or stored inside the battery, there will be no cost to the home owner. This is a direct reduction to home electricity bill. In addition, access solar energy generated will flow back to utility distribution grid and will be credited in monthly energy bill according to ‘Net-Metering’ program.

9.  What is the catch?

There is no catch! OPUCES is installing SEMS as a part of pilot program in collaboration with City of Oshawa and NEDO.

10. Will I receive any monthly payments for participating in this pilot program?

No. the home owner will not receive any payment for participating in this pilot program.

11. My roof has slate/clay/metal shingles. Does it qualify?

No, unfortunately a roof with those types of shingles are not eligible.

12. Can I use the solar generated electricity inside my home?

Yes. Solar generated electricity will be first used inside home then stored in the lithium ion battery and excess will flow back to the Oshawa PUC distribution grid.

This electrical connection to Oshawa PUC distribution grid will be done according to the Government of Ontario net-metering program. The Ontario Government is taking steps to promote the development and use of renewable energy.Net metering allows you to send excess electricity you generate from renewable resources to the distribution system for a credit toward your energy costs. In essence, it’s a “trade” of electricity you supply against electricity you consume.The benefits of net-metering will go to the home owner.

For more information please visit Ontario Energy Board website;

13. Can I use solar energy and energy stored in the battery during power outage?

Yes. In case of power outage from local distribution company grid; solar energy and energy stored in the battery can be used within the home. Solar inverter is rating is 5.5 kW and Lithium Ion battery rating is 10 kWh.

14. How long will the battery power  last during a power outage?

For the selected home, during design phase, electrical load will be pre-determined that can be turned ON during power outage from distribution grid. Solar and battery energy will keep on providing power to the pre-determined load. Example of pre-determined load can be refrigerator, few lights bulbs, computer receptacle etc.

In absence of sunlight, if used wisely, battery can provide power to the pre-determined load for a few days.

15. What happens if I sell the house?

While OPUCES does not recommend installing it on homes intended for sale within 5 years. The sale will include the transfer of equipment and obligation to participate in the program.

16. How many times do you visit my property for inspection and/or maintenance?

This is a pilot project. The home owner should expect frequent visits for inspection and maintenance activities Home as per manufacturer’s specifications. This will be defined in the ESA.

Also, there will be frequent visits from the project partners. One week advanced notice will be provided to the home owner for these type of site visits. Home owner is expected to accommodate this request except for emergency situations.

Home owners will be enrolled in the vendor 24*7 customer support.

17. Who is responsible for roof maintenance?

General roof maintenance remains home owner’s responsibility. OPUCES and project partners are responsible for any damage to the roof caused by the solar panels for the initial 4-5 years. After the ownership of the SEMS is transferred to home owner, the home owner will responsible for all roof related maintenance.

18. Who will own the equipment and when ?

The SEMS will be owned by OPUCES or project partners for a period of initial 4-5 years. The ownership of the SEMS will be transferred to home owner after this period.

19. Who is responsible for the equipment including insurance?

The insurance will be covered by OPUCES or project partners for the initial period of 4-5 years. After this period, the ownership of the SEMS will be transferred to home owner and the home owner will be responsible for insurance.

However, as a part of qualification process, the home owner is responsible to inform and register the SEMS with the existing insurance company.

20. Will the equipment make any noise?

The SEMS will comply with the industry standards for noise level.

21. Because you are using the internet connection, will the data volume cause any concerns for my internet?

The internet for home owner will definitely increase due to SEMS data transfer. The home owner is responsible for providing reliable high-speed internet connection and also responsible for any additional cost for internet usage.

The SEMS monitoring system uploads small amounts of data to a web server at 1 minute intervals.  The total amount of data transmitted is less than 5 GB a month.

22. Are there any software programs available for the home owner to monitor the system and we have access?

The home will be able to view SEMS activities from the monitoring panel installed inside the home.

23. Is this equipment safe and approved for use in Canada and specifically Ontario?

The equipment has all necessary approvals to be installed in Canada and specifically in Ontario. OPUCES and project partners will get all required installation approvals; including approval from ‘Electrical Safety Authority’, before starting the installation.

24. What support is available after I own the equipment?

Home owners will be enrolled in the vendor 24*7 customer support.

25. What will it cost to remove the equipment?

After the initial period of 4-5 years, the ownership will be transferred to home owner. The removal cost would be a typical cost for removing for solar panels and other equipment. Since this is a pilot project, battery disposal cost is not known at this stage.

26. What will it cost to replace the equipment?

For the initial 4-5 years, the home owner is not responsible for any replacement cost due to equipment manufacturing defect. Since this is a pilot project, it is difficult to assess replacement cost after standard warranty period is over.

27. Who will make sure that the roof will be able to hold the equipment?

Pre-installation inspections will be done and municipal permit for installing solar panels will be obtained by OPUCES and project partners.

28. Are the solar panels screwed or clamped to my roof?

The solar panels are both clamped and screwed onto your roof to ensure solid attachment. OPUCES and project partners design the SEMS to ensure there is no damage to your roof or any other part of your house during installation and in the years to come.

29. Will the solar panels cause structural damage to my home?

No. Before OPUCES installs a solar system, it sends a certified technician to do an on-site assessment after which a Professional Engineer also conducts and stamps a detailed study of your roof. They will determine if the house is structurally sound, and if the roof is in good condition. If home roof is not in good condition, and/or home is not structurally sound, OPUCES will not install a SEMS.

30. How many panels are put on my roof?

About 30 solar panels will be installed. This produces enough electrical energy to power an average house in Ontario.

31. What is the size and weight of each solar panel?

Each panel is approximately 1 m x 1.6 m x 42 mm thick, weighing approximately 23 kg. A solar panel is smaller than a sheet of plywood and it weighs less than the combination of materials already on your roof.

32. If qualified and eligible, when can I expect the SEMS to be installed at my home?

OPUCES is expecting to install the SEMS for qualified and eligible homes before December 2015. However, this is a pilot project and the installation date may change without notice.