Canada Post Work Disruption

Canada Post Work Disruption

As early as the end of June 2016, your mail delivery may be interrupted or delayed by a possible labour disruption at Canada Post.  While this labour disruption may be delayed or avoided at any time, here are some important things to keep in mind as it pertains to your Oshawa PUC Networks bill:

  1. You are still responsible for paying your bill by the payment due date. To avoid potential late payment charges, make the switch to eBilling to receive your monthly bill by email notification when your bill is ready.  Visit
  1. Even though your bill won’t be delivered by mail, you can still login to download or print a PDF copy of your bill at any time at
  1. Because Canada Post will not be making deliveries during a labour disruption, we will be unable to accept payment by mail. For payment options visit  This same information can be found on the back of your electricity bill under Payment Methods.