September 10, 2018 – Oshawa residents will find out as early this week whether they’ll face a possible strike later September by mail carriers and plant workers at Canada Post.
A strike mandate vote was completed by Canada Post employees Sunday September 9, 2018. If they voted in favour Canada Post can face either a strike or lockout by September 26, 2018.
Oshawa Power would like to encourage our customers who are not already set up with online access to their electricity accounts to call us at 905-723-4623 or emailing us here to set up access. Customers are still required to pay their bills by the due date.
As an alternative to just having online access, customers can also set up their electricity accounts on eBilling so their monthly bill will be emailed to them directly and alert them when a billed has been generated. Click here to learn more
eBilling allows immediate access to your account information, energy consumption tracking, download copies of your bill including the amount due and due date, helping you avoid any late penalty charges.
Bill payments can be made by pre-authorized payment, telephone or electronic payment services offered through your financial institution, or by the drop box located on the outside north corner of our office building located at 100 Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa.
Oshawa Power is monitoring this situation closely and will work to reduce any inconvenience for our customers.