Your Bill

Electricity bills can be complicated.
We’ve put together a handy guide to help you understand exactly what you’re paying for.

Breaking down your bill.

Your electricity bills consist of three main categories; your Electricity charges, Delivery charges, and Regulatory charges.

Electricity charges reflect the cost of electricity purchased by Oshawa Power on your behalf for usage at your service address and no markup is charged on this cost; it is paid directly to our suppliers.

Delivery charges cover the cost of transporting electricity from the place of generation, to Oshawa’s grid, and finally to your service address. This includes the cost to build, improve, and maintain the transmission and distribution lines, towers, and poles needed to operate provincial and local power grids.

Regulatory charges reflect the cost of administering the wholesale electricity system and maintaining the reliability of Ontario’s grid. Oshawa Power does not charge a markup on this cost and it is paid directly to the Independent Electricity System Operator.

To help you further understand your energy bill, the following galleries will explain the purpose of each portion of your bill, whether you are a Time-of-Use, Tiered, Ultra-Low Overnight, or Commercial customer.

Time of Use

Time of Use

Section 1
  1. Statement Details: this section includes the Account Number for the account being billed, a Due Date (non-PAP customers) or Withdrawal Date (PAP customers), and the Amount Due or Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Amount.
  2. Amount Enclosed: for customers paying by mailed cheque to state the enclosed payment amount. For PAP customers, this section will include a reminder that your payment has been withdrawn automatically.
  3. Mailing Details: this section includes the name and mailing address for the billing contact associated with the Oshawa Power account.
Section 2
  1. Amount Owing: this section outlines the total amount owing (current charges plus any outstanding balance). The payment Due Date (for non-PAP customers) or Withdrawal Date (PAP customers) is also included.
  2. Charge Summary: outlines what you paid for Electricity and any balance or credit forward.
  3. Bill Breakdown Chart: this chart breaks down where your payment goes.
Section 3
  1. Usage Graph: the graph is a visual representation of your usage over the last 12 months, including how much electricity was used in each TOU period. The table compares your usage during the billing period to usage during the same period last year.
  2. Important Information: important bill messages will be included in this section to help keep you informed.
Section 4
  1. Promotional Area: helping you learn more about important programs and safety information offered by Oshawa Power.
  2. Account Information: this section includes the name(s) associated with the Oshawa Power account, account number, billing period, service address, and account type.
Section 5
  1. Contact Information: find out how to contact Oshawa Power and follow along online for important updates.
Section 6
  1. Balance Forward: your balance forward from previous unpaid charges.
  2. Electricity Charges: cost of electricity purchased on your behalf by Oshawa Power; no markup.
  3. Delivery Charges: cost of delivering power from generation facility, to local grid, to your service address; includes cost to build and maintain the local power grid.
  4. Regulatory Charges: cost of administering provincial wholesale electricity system; no markup.
  5. Ontario Electricity Rebate: a monthly credit towards your bill provided to eligible customers by the Government of Ontario.
  6. Current Charges and Amount Owing: your total charges for the billing period and a total summary of outstanding charges to the account.
  7. Electricity Charge Breakdown: additional information about your usage over the billing period, including usage during each TOU pricing period.
Section 6
  1. Meter Reading Info: provides information about your meter reading for each meter included on your bill.


Section 1
  1. Statement Details: this section includes the Account Number for the account being billed, a Due Date (non-PAP customers) or Withdrawal Date (PAP customers), and the Amount Due or Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Amount.
  2. Amount Enclosed: for customers paying by mailed cheque to state the enclosed payment amount. For PAP customers, this section will include a reminder that your payment has been withdrawn automatically.
  3. Mailing Details: this section includes the name and mailing address for the billing contact associated with the Oshawa Power account.
Section 2
  1. Amount Owing: this section outlines the total amount owing (current charges plus any outstanding balance). The payment Due Date (for non-PAP customers) or Withdrawal Date (PAP customers) is also included.
  2. Charge Summary: outlines what you paid for Electricity and any balance or credit forward.
  3. Bill Breakdown Chart: this chart breaks down where your payment goes.
Section 3
  1. Usage Graph: the graph is a visual representation of your usage over the last 12 months, including how much electricity was used in each usage Tier. The table compares your usage during the billing period to usage during the same period last year.
  2. Important Information: important bill messages will be included in this section to help keep you informed.
Section 4
  1. Promotional Area: helping you learn more about important programs and safety information offered by Oshawa Power.
  2. Account Information: this section includes the name(s) associated with the Oshawa Power account, account number, billing period, service address, and account type.
Section 5
  1. Contact Information: find out how to contact Oshawa Power and follow along online for important updates.
Section 6
  1. Balance Forward: your balance forward from previous unpaid charges.
  2. Electricity Charges: cost of electricity purchased on your behalf by Oshawa Power; no markup.
  3. Delivery Charges: cost of delivering power from generation facility, to local grid, to your service address; includes cost to build and maintain the local power grid.
  4. Regulatory Charges: cost of administering provincial wholesale electricity system; no markup.
  5. Ontario Electricity Rebate: a monthly credit towards your bill provided to eligible customers by the Government of Ontario.
  6. Current Charges and Amount Owing: your total charges for the billing period and a total summary of outstanding charges to the account.
  7. Electricity Charge Breakdown: additional information about your usage over the billing period, including usage in each pricing Tier.
Section 6
  1. Meter Reading Info: provides information about your meter reading for each meter included on your bill.
Ultra-Low Overnight

Ultra-Low Overnight

Section 1
  1. Statement Details: this section includes the Account Number for the account being billed, a Due Date (non-PAP customers) or Withdrawal Date (PAP customers), and the Amount Due or Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Amount.
  2. Amount Enclosed: for customers paying by mailed cheque to state the enclosed payment amount. For PAP customers, this section will include a reminder that your payment has been withdrawn automatically.
  3. Mailing Details: this section includes the name and mailing address for the billing contact associated with the Oshawa Power account.
Section 2
  1. Amount Owing: this section outlines the total amount owing (current charges plus any outstanding balance). The payment Due Date (for non-PAP customers) or Withdrawal Date (PAP customers) is also included.
  2. Charge Summary: outlines what you paid for Electricity and any balance or credit forward.
  3. Bill Breakdown Chart: this chart breaks down where your payment goes.
Section 3
  1. Usage Graph: the graph is a visual representation of your usage over the last 12 months, including how much electricity was used during each ULO pricing period. The table compares your usage during the billing period to usage during the same period last year.
  2. Important Information: important bill messages will be included in this section to help keep you informed.
Section 4
  1. Promotional Area: helping you learn more about important programs and safety information offered by Oshawa Power.
  2. Account Information: this section includes the name(s) associated with the Oshawa Power account, account number, billing period, service address, and account type.
Section 5
  1. Contact Information: find out how to contact Oshawa Power and follow along online for important updates.
Section 6
  1. Balance Forward: your balance forward from previous unpaid charges.
  2. Electricity Charges: cost of electricity purchased on your behalf by Oshawa Power; no markup.
  3. Delivery Charges: cost of delivering power from generation facility, to local grid, to your service address; includes cost to build and maintain the local power grid.
  4. Regulatory Charges: cost of administering provincial wholesale electricity system; no markup.
  5. Ontario Electricity Rebate: a monthly credit towards your bill provided to eligible customers by the Government of Ontario.
  6. Current Charges and Amount Owing: your total charges for the billing period and a total summary of outstanding charges to the account.
  7. Electricity Charge Breakdown: additional information about your usage over the billing period, including usage during each ULO pricing period.
Section 6
  1. Meter Reading Info: provides information about your meter reading for each meter included on your bill.

Need help paying your bills?

If you’re experiencing difficulties paying your bill, programs are available to help manage your electricity costs. Customers already in arrears may be eligible to enroll in our Arrears Management Program or Equal Payment Plan to ensure service remains connected.

Financial Assistance

Customer Choice

Customers on the Regulated Price Plan (RPP) now have the option to choose between Time-of-Use (TOU) and Tiered pricing plans. Customers on TOU pricing can choose to switch to Tiered pricing anytime, there is no deadline to make a decision and you maintain the ability to switch back to your previous pricing plan at any time.

Customer Choice

