Your electricity bills consist of three main categories; your Electricity charges, Delivery charges, and Regulatory charges.
Electricity charges reflect the cost of electricity purchased by Oshawa Power on your behalf for usage at your service address and no markup is charged on this cost; it is paid directly to our suppliers.
Delivery charges cover the cost of transporting electricity from the place of generation, to Oshawa’s grid, and finally to your service address. This includes the cost to build, improve, and maintain the transmission and distribution lines, towers, and poles needed to operate provincial and local power grids.
Regulatory charges reflect the cost of administering the wholesale electricity system and maintaining the reliability of Ontario’s grid. Oshawa Power does not charge a markup on this cost and it is paid directly to the Independent Electricity System Operator.
To help you further understand your energy bill, the following galleries will explain the purpose of each portion of your bill, whether you are a Time-of-Use, Tiered, Ultra-Low Overnight, or Commercial customer.
If you’re experiencing difficulties paying your bill, programs are available to help manage your electricity costs. Customers already in arrears may be eligible to enroll in our Arrears Management Program or Equal Payment Plan to ensure service remains connected.
Financial AssistanceCustomers on the Regulated Price Plan (RPP) now have the option to choose between Time-of-Use (TOU) and Tiered pricing plans. Customers on TOU pricing can choose to switch to Tiered pricing anytime, there is no deadline to make a decision and you maintain the ability to switch back to your previous pricing plan at any time.
Customer Choice